Grants and Contracts
($12.8 million is awarded in total, out of which my share is $2.97M)
Research Grants
National Science Foundation
Title: CAREER: A Highly Effective, Usable, Performant, Scalable Data Reduction Framework for HPC Systems and Applications (OAC-2232120)
Amount: $470K
Period: 1/11/2023 through 12/31/2027
Role: Single PI
Collaborators: Chirag Shah @ UW, Martin Burtscher @ Texas State U., Samuel Li @ NCAR, Zarija Lukić, Dan Martin, Suren Byna @ LBNL, Sheng Di, Yanfei Guo @ ANL, Ang Li @ PNNL
Meta Research
Title: Accelerating Communication in DLRM via Frequency-aware Lossy Compression
Amount: $50K
Period: 9/01/2022 through 8/31/2023
Role: Lead PI
Collaborators: Tong Geng @ U. Rochester
National Science Foundation
Title: Collaborative Research: OAC Core: CEAPA: A Systematic Approach to Minimize Compression Error Propagation in HPC Applications (OAC-2211539)
Amount: $250K
Period: 8/15/2022 through 7/31/2025
Role: Site PI
Collaborators: Guanpeng Li (Lead PI) @ UIowa, Sheng Di @ ANL, Zarija Lukic @ LBNL, Shaomeng Li @ NCAR
National Science Foundation
Title: Collaborative Research: Elements: ROCCI: Integrated Cyberinfrastructure for In Situ Lossy Compression Optimization Based on Post Hoc Analysis Requirements (OAC-2104024)
Amount: $280K
Period: 9/15/2021 through 8/31/2024
Role: Site PI
Collaborators: Sheng Di (Lead PI), Franck Cappello (Co-PI) @ UChicago, Junjing Deng @ ANL, Zarija Lukic, Suren Byna @ LBNL
UChicago Argonne
Title: FAIR Surrogate Benchmarks Supporting AI and Simulation Research
Amount: $61K
Period: 8/15/2021 through 12/31/2021
Role: Site PI
Collaborators: Pete Beckman (PI), Xiaodong Yu @ ANL
UChicago Argonne
Title: Exploring Multiresolution Based Compression for Extreme-Scale Scientific Applications
Amount: $150K
Period: 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2022
Role: Site PI
Collaborators: Franck Cappello (PI), Sheng Di
Title: CPU Inference of Sparse DNN Models on AMD EPYC
Amount: $30K
Period: 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2021
Role: Single PI
National Science Foundation
Title: CDS&E: Collaborative Research: HyLoC: Objective-driven Adaptive Hybrid Lossy Compression Framework for Extreme-Scale Scientific Applications (OAC-2003624/2042084, OAC-2003709)
Amount: $530K (share: $270K)
Period: 8/1/2020 through 7/31/2023
Role: Lead PI
Collaborators: Sheng Di @ UChicago, Junjing Deng @ ANL, Zarija Lukic @ LBNL
UChicago Argonne
Title: Improving GPU Version of SZ for Scientific Applications at Extreme Scale
Amount: $189K
Period: 5/1/2020 through 12/31/2022
Role: Site PI
Collaborators: Sheng Di (PI), Xiaodong Yu @ ANL
National Science Foundation
Title: CRII: OAC: An Efficient Lossy Compression Framework for Reducing Memory Footprint for Extreme-Scale Deep Learning on GPU-Based HPC Systems (OAC-1948447/2034169)
Amount: $190K
Period: 5/1/2020 through 4/30/2022
Role: Single PI
National Science Foundation
Title: CC* Compute: Accelerating Advances in Science and Engineering at The University of Alabama Through HPC Infrastructure (OAC-2018846)
Amount: $400K (my share: $100K)
Period: 7/1/2020 through 6/30/2022
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Jeff Carver (PI), Xiaoyan Hong (Co-PI), David Dixon (Co-PI) @UAlabama
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Title: CISESS: Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies
Amount: $5.5M (share: $250K)
Period: 6/1/2020 through 5/31/2021
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Prasad Gogineni (PI), Stephen Yan (Co-PI), Drew Taylor (Co-PI), Zhe Jiang (Co-PI) @ UAlabama
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Title: Center for Remote Sensing of Snow and Soil Moisture
Amount: $5M (share: $250K)
Period: 6/1/2019 through 5/31/2020
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Prasad Gogineni (PI), Stephen Yan (Co-PI), Drew Taylor (Co-PI), Zhe Jiang (Co-PI) @ UAlabama
UChicago Argonne
Title: Improving Lossy Compression for Scientific Applications at Extreme Scale
Amount: $25K
Period: 8/1/2019 through 12/31/2019
Role: Single PI
Industry Donations
Xilinx, Inc.
2021: 1x Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card (estimated value: $2,500)
2020: 1x Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA VCU118 Evaluation Kit (estimated value: $7,000)
2019: 1x Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC ZC706 Evaluation Kit + 2x Xilinx Zynq-7000 (estimated value: $4,000)
Computing Resources
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)
6500 GPU hours + 2 TB storage at PSC Bridges2 system (5/1/2020 through 4/30/2022)
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
9000 SUs at Frontera system (4/1/2020 through 3/31/2021)
Travel Grants
11/2018 Faculty Travel Grant $1,000 for SRP 2018, Lawerence Berkeley Lab.
08/2018 New Faculty Start-Up Grant $245,000, The University of Alabama.
06/2018 Student Travel Grant $1,400, ACM HPDC.
11/2017 Student Travel Grant $1,500, ACM/IEEE SC.
06/2017 Student Travel Grant $250, IEEE IPDPS.
06/2016 Student Travel Grant $1,000, ACM HPDC.
We thank the following agencies and institutions for their generous funding support and resource sharing. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in our work are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.
We also thank the following media for disseminating our research to the general public:
HPCWire (
机器之心 (
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